call for a quote 1300 554 625


We understand the many and varied aspects of Handyman Operations.

Collectively our specialist team have over 150 years of experience in the Industry, providing an unrivalled level of understanding of the unique Liability exposures of your Trade including:

  • Need to correctly establish the extent of your activities,
  • The variety of different activities you undertake
  • Potential for Working at Heights,
  • and Many More.

Add to these the increased Personal Accident and Illness Exposures of:

  • Back Strains and Injuries and the like...

And you clearly need an Insurance Broker that can tailor covers to suit.

We can provide Liability limits ranging from $ 5,000,000 to $ 50,000,000 and appreciate you may often need specific levels of cover for Commercial Clients.

We ensure that the purchasing process is as hassle free and paperless as possible to leave you free to continue your business uninterrupted.

And of course our experience and knowledge allow us to fully support and guide you through any claims process when the unexpected occurs.

Call or email us now and we can provide you with an immediate quotation from one of Specialists.

call for a quote : 1300 554 625

Liability Quote

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